Do I really need to take the time to conduct REM?
Every ear is very different! Automatic fittings take into account average data. Factors such as morphology as well as shape and length of the ear canal vary from person to person. Furthermore, two hearing aids may not deliver the exact same response curve. Variations in speaker response, microphone response, tubing length, depth of ear mold insertion, and so forth, can all influence the output of the hearing aid in the patient's ear. When the fitting is not correct, there is a good chance that the patient will come back many times in order to have the hearing aid adjusted. In some cases, the patient will stop using the hearing aids or return them for credit. For children, an accurate hearing aid fitting is critical for speech and language development and academic success. For this reason, it is necessary to measure the sound that the patient’s ears are receiving with their hearing aids in order to ensure that they receive exactly the amplification that is required.
Each hearing instrument programming can only be verified employing REM, adjusting the sound measurements just in front of the tympanic membrane via the REM probe measurement tube, using validated prescriptive targets displayed via a probe microphone system, matching the output to these targets using a calibrated LTASS input signal (e.g. ISTS) delivered at soft, medium and loud levels.
Conducting REM in 10-15 minutes can help you deliver a successful outcome! When you fit hearing aids without conducting REM, it is like working in the dark - you have no idea how the hearing aids are truly performing in your patients' ears. Let Trumpet be your light!
Read the whole Interview “Real-Ear Measurements with the Simple, Intuitive and Complete Trumpet REM System from Inventis” published on Audiologyonline!