FEB 2023 ● Academia

Academia - Roll up your sleeves: (Hands-on) REM basics with CARL

 Roll up your sleeves: (Hands-on) REM basics 

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The verification of hearing aid fittings is conducted to ensure that their gain and output are correct. Each hearing instrument programming can only be verified employing Real-Ear Measurement (REM), adjusting the sound measurements just in front of the tympanic membrane via the REM probe measurement tube, using validated prescriptive targets displayed via a probe microphone system, matching the output to these targets using a calibrated input signal (e.g. ISTS) delivered at soft, medium and loud levels.

REM should not be viewed as being overly technically difficul: it’s not that hard!
To feel more comfortable, we need lean into our gear, get to know it, roll up our sleeves and try things out!

Last October 26th, Clayton Fisher, clinical audiologist and audiology consultant and owner of Treat Hearing Health Care, managed the webinar "Roll up your sleeves: (Hands-on) REM basics with CARL”. 

During the course, the speaker provided pragmatic tips-and-tricks for learning the basic, hands-on techniques and skills required to become competent and confident in performing and interpreting REM. Clayton demonstrates these essential REM procedures by performing a complete hearing aid fitting on audiology simulator CARL, using our Trumpet REM system.

Let yourself be guided in a hearing aid fitting session!
Watch the webinar “Roll up your sleeves: (Hands-on) REM basics with CARL” published on Inventis Partner Pages in Audiologyonline! 

After this course, participants will be able to:

  • feel more comfortable with the Trumpet and Maestro software
  • feel more comfortable with calibration and techniques needed to ensure accuracy
  • feel comfortable interpreting REM results and fitting data and improving upon it

Start a friendship with your REM system. It will last a lifetime!


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