Sindrome Vestibolare Acuta (SVA) in dipartimento di emergenza

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Sindrome Vestibolare Acuta (SVA) in dipartimento di emergenza

With : Arturo Maione
Dr Arturo Maione

Arturo Maione

ENT doctor

Dr. Maione graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1985 (University of Naples) and specialised in Otolaryngology in 1988 (University of Naples). 
From 1989 to 2023, he was medical director at the SOC of Otolaryngology of the ‘S. Maria degli Angeli’ hospital in Pordenone, with responsibility for Vestibology activities. 
He is currently a freelancer. 
He is the author of numerous scientific publications in national and international journals and presentations at congresses in the field of audio-vestibology. 


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