AUG 2022 ● FLAA Convention

2022 Florida Academy of Audiology Convention
Orlando (FL) August 4-5, 2022
The Florida Academy of Audiology is an organization with the aim of representing Florida Audiologists and the people they serve through advocacy, education and collaboration.
The 2022 FLAA Convention will be held on August 4 and 5 at the Wyndham Grand Orlando Resort Bonnet Creek in Orlando.
The convention's busy agenda includes topics ranging from tinnitus, hidden hearing loss, remote care, music training, misphonia... But not just that!
Therefore, the 2022 FLAA Convention represents a unique opportunity for updating, learning and knowledge!
On this occasion we will be at the forefront to show you our innovative audiological solutions and Maestro software, the core of Inventis' instruments set-up. As an orchestra has its conductor, so Maestro allows a full interaction of all Inventis equipment! It will be more than easy to control all the Inventis units, switching smoothly from Audiometry to Tympanometry, Fitting and Balance. Maestro also allows the clinician to store the tests result in Maestro database (or in Noah) and to create a pdf report containing the patient data and the exams results, everything in the same place in order to help the user making easier the management of the daily practice.
Furthermore, we will be glad to present Satellite, our revolutionary tele-audiology solution that allows professionals to interact with patients and to remotely perform complete hearing assessments in real time. It will also be possible to book a trial with Satellite during the Convention!
Click here for all the information about the convention and to have a look at the full agenda.