Academia 360° scientific divulgation
Aware that the promotion of scientific divulgation events was the starting point for spreading the latest advancements in diagnostic audiology and balance, a few years ago Inventis launched the project Academia with the aim to promote scientific contents related to the equipment we supply among professionals in hearing and balance care. Academia began its adventure in 2020 hosting the first online campaign on balance, for the national and international audience, focused on the use and application of SYNAPSYS-VHIT. The attendance reached outstanding numbers and the international connectivity increased considerably. Since then, we have made great strides which saw the birth of Academia France in 2022 and more recently of Academia Spain in 2023.
Today Inventis Academia means online events which are a fantastic learning opportunity to deepen and discuss the latest trends in hearing and balance with international respected experts from the comfort of your home.
Physical events
Academia means offline seminars which are focused on products and are aimed at deepening theoretical and practical aspects of our units. “Inventis in Tour for fitting” and “Inventis in Tour for Balance” represent a series of events, at different cities, where our experts in collaboration with international speakers emphasize the strengths of our products in order to improve the customer experience.

We participate in international and local conventions, offering workshops held by influential members of the scientific community. It is necessary to have all the skills to accurately perform the test and correctly read the data our units provide. Our workshops will help our customers to perform and make the most out of different audiological and vestibular tests. We collaborate with prestigious journals by periodically providing scientific contents, news, interviews, so that the audience could be always up to date on what is happening in Inventis.
The university program represents a fundamental activity. Our specialists, in collaboration with local and international experts, hold, at different universities, scientific seminars related to the equipment we supply in order to increase the involvement of the University world, supporting innovation and reinforcing the Inventis culture.
Books! “REM and fitting di apparecchi acustici” was written by our internal specialists, provides an essential guide to understand the aims and benefits associated with a REM examination. It has been distributed at several Italian Universities. The English edition is in progress.

“The video Head Impulse Test: Theoretical and Practical Aspects” by Dr. Enrico Armato and Eng. Emanuele Trifoglio, is not simply a user manual for a tool that has revolutionized the study of the vestibular oculomotor reflex (VOR) and thus, vestibular diagnostics. It is a veritable treatise on the anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system and eye movement recording techniques, with a comparative analysis of different methods. The first edition of the book, in Italian, was published in 2019. The English version in 2021 and the French one in 2023. We won't stop!