Il percorso audioprotesico in età pediatrica

Event time 18:00 (CET)
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Il percorso audioprotesico in età pediatrica

Il seminario si concentrerà sull’importanza e la complessità di eseguire un adeguato fitting in età pediatrica e su quanto questo sia essenziale per consentire al bambino ipoacusico uno sviluppo senza alcuna difficoltà. 
Durante il webinar verranno affrontate le diverse fasi dell’applicazione audioprotesica, dai primi mesi di vita all’adolescenza: 

  • Accoglienza e counseling ai genitori: fondamentale per instaurare un rapporto di fiducia e fornire supporto emotivo e informativo alle famiglie. 
  • La prese dell’impronta: una procedura di estrema precisione, necessaria per realizzare dispositivi su misura in gradi di garantire il massimo comfort. 
  • Le metodiche di fitting: utilizzo delle moderne tecnologie audioprotesiche. 
  • Follow up: monitoraggi costanti e interventi tempestivi per assicurare il corretto funzionamento delle protesi. 
  • Importanza del lavoro in equipe multidisciplinare per garantire non solo lo sviluppo delle capacità uditive, ma anche linguistiche, cognitive e sociali. 
Dr Cristian Borghi

Cristian Borghi

Hearing Care Professional

Dr. Borghi graduated in Hearing Aid Techniques in 2004 from the University of Parma. 
Since 2005 he has worked for Amplifon in Reggio Emilia, where he manages two centres. 
From 2008 to 2010 he obtained a Master's degree in Hearing Aid Rehabilitation of Children's Deafness jointly organised by the University of Padua and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. 
Since 2013 he has been a lecturer in the second and third year of the Degree Course in Hearing Assistive Technology at the University of Parma and since 2022 he has been a lecturer in the second year of the Degree Course in Audiometric Techniques at the University of Padua, Venice branch. 
He was a member of the panel of experts that published the new cochlear implant guidelines in 2024 and of the group of hearing aid specialists that drafted the hearing aid guidelines in 2022. 
He has been the scientific responsible for various courses including, since 2023, the creator together with Professor Scimemi of the ‘Scimemi-Borghi Practical Workshop in Hearing Prosthetic Techniques’ and the ‘paediatric hearing aid board’ published in 2023.


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