No sólo seminarios web, sino también sesiones en persona: éstas son oportunidades únicas para aprender en profundidad y establecer contactos.
No sólo seminarios web, sino también sesiones en persona: éstas son oportunidades únicas para aprender en profundidad y establecer contactos.
Il seminario approfondirà il ruolo degli aspetti vascolari nelle vestibolopatie, analizzando il labirinto che, per le sue caratteristiche anatomo-fisiologiche, è un indicatore del buon funzionamento del microcircolo.
Il labirinto e il microcircolo: un'alleanza cruciale nelle vestibolopatie.
Prof. Neri graduated in Medicine and Surgery, with subsequent specialisation in Otolaryngology at the 2nd University of Naples.
For over 20 years he has been a Confirmed Researcher at the University of Chieti for the Scientific Disciplinary Sector F15A Otolaryngology.
He obtained his national qualification as Associate Professor in 2013.
He is currently Head of UOS-B2 of Audiovestibology at PO SS Annunziata in Chieti and Associate Professor in Otolaryngology.
From 2024 to 2019, he was coordinator of the Regional Project for the prevention of road accidents resulting from Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS).
Assessing vestibular function in children requires experience, adapted methodologies, and a deep understanding of pediatric development. Unlike adult testing, pediatric vestibular assessment must consider developmental milestones, cognitive engagement, and the need for improvisation to obtain reliable results.
Join Prof. Soumit Dasgupta, consultant neurotologist and clinical lead in pediatric audiology at Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, for an in-depth exploration of assessment techniques and compensation mechanisms in pediatric vestibular disorders.
Key Topics Covered in the Webinar:
This webinar is essential for audiologists, neurotologists, and pediatric specialists looking to refine their approach to pediatric vestibular diagnostics and management.
Professor Soumit Dasgupta is an award winning consultant neurotologist/audiovestibular physician and clinical lead in paediatric audiology at Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and the Hypatia Dizziness and Balance Centre in Liverpool, United Kingdom.
He is a honorary senior lecturer in the University of Liverpool UK, a honorary lecturer, Audiology and Deafness, in the University of Manchester UK and a honorary visiting professor, Otology and Skull Base Surgery, in the University of Siena, Italy.
He is a globally acknowledged expert in paediatric vestibular disorders leading one of the few tertiary paediatric vestibular centres in the world and a paediatric vestibular research laboratory.
He is well published in peer reviewed index journals and has written several text book chapters.
He is leading the UK in looking into genetic hearing loss and ototoxicity in the paediatric population with dedicated monitoring protocols and represents the UK in the International Ototoxicity Monitoring Group (IOMG), a global consortium of experts researching in ototoxicity.
He is the international secretary of the International Vestibular Society, the Chairman of Education in the British Association of Audiovestibular Physicians and an executive committee member of the British Society of Neurotology and Otology.
He is an expert reviewer for 9 index journals on Neurotology and Genetics, in the editorial board of four index journals and is an expert adviser to the General Medical Council, United Kingdom.
Il seminario si concentrerà sul ruolo fondamentale che i processi cognitivi della visione svolgono nell’equilibrio del soggetto normale e nelle prestazioni sportive.
Nel soggetto normale, la coordinazione tra vista, sistema vestibolare e propriocettivo garantisce una postura stabile e una risposta rapida agli stimoli esterni.
La percezione visiva come elemento che contribuisce all’integrazione multisensoriale.
L’approche diagnostique d’un patient vertigineux se base en premier lieu sur un interrogatoire et un examen clinique minutieux. Cet examen doit évaluer le reflexe vestibulo oculaire, le reflexe vestibulospinal et l’équilibre du patient en général.
Les examens complémentaires serviront ensuite à confirmer la suspicion diagnostique et quantifier les différents déficits suspectés.
L’évaluation du reflexe vestibulooculaire passe par l’analyse du mouvement oculaire spontané mais aussi suite a différentes épreuves et stimulations. Il permet également d’estimer l’influence de l’entrée proprioceptive cervicale sur son fonctionnement.
La VNS constitue donc un outil incontournable dans l’analyse fine de la stabilité oculaire , des nystagmus spontanés et provoqués. L’examen sous VNS est la pierre angulaire de l’approche diagnostique d’un patient vertigineux.
Professor of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Sfax, Tunisia
Specialist in otology and vestibular pathologies at the ENT Department of the Habib Bourguiba University Hospital in Sfax, Tunisia
Deputy General Secretary of the Tunisian ENT Society
Deputy General Secretary of the Tunisian Medical Vertigo Society
Dr. Vishal Pawar - Specialist Neurologist MBBS, DNB Medicine, DNB Neurology, SCE Neuro (RCP UK), VAM (American institute of Balance), International Vestibular diploma, Fellow of European board of Neurology.
Dr. Pawar is a licensed neurology specialist with several years of experience in the field. His area of expertise focuses on the treatment of patients suffering from headaches, vertigo, strokes, and back pain. He is speaker at national and international congresses, seminars, and webinars and author of publications in national and international scientific journals.
Dr. Peviani was born in 1982, and his father, Mauro, has been a hearing aid specialist since 1978 and in 1984 founded Acustica Biellese, a company that celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2024.
Passionate about computer science since childhood, he studied the subject until he graduated with a degree in computer engineering. Upon graduation, he worked for four years in the development of management software and industrial automation programs in the textile industry.
In 2009, he chose to return to his origins and join the family business, taking the path to become a hearing aid specialist and collaborating with his father to develop the company's current rehabilitation protocol.
Since 2017, he has been a university tutor and, since 2019, he has been a member of the evaluation committee for the internship exam of the Hearing Aid Techniques course at the University of Turin, contributing to the training of new generations of hearing aid specialists.
On March 16, 2023, he was a speaker, together with colleague Enrico Violin, at the course “From Diagnosis to Hearing Rehabilitation” held in Turin.
From September to November 2024 he participated in the first edition of the GMA for hearing aid specialists at SDA Bocconi in Milan, an experience of high management training in the field.
His mission is to raise the standards of the hearing aid profession so that professional quality and skills grow in step with technological progress. He also fosters greater collaboration among health professionals involved in hearing rehabilitation, from otolaryngologists and audiologists to hearing care professionals, speech pathologists and psychologists, with the goal of providing the best possible path for people with hearing loss.
Born in 1989, Enrico Violin graduated in Audiometric Techniques from the University of Turin in 2013, starting his professional career at the Audiovestibology service of the Circolo Hospital in Varese. Here he gained important experience as an audiometrist, eventually becoming head of the Cochlear Service Point, deepening his skills in the field of cochlear implants and biomedical customer service.
In order to complete his university education, he continued his studies in Hearing Aid Techniques and, in parallel with his work, he received his degree in 2018 from the University of Padua.
Since 2017 he has been working at Acustica Biellese, where he is involved in hearing rehabilitation through the fitting of hearing aids. He also collaborates with colleagues in the training of young hearing aid specialists enrolled in the Hearing Aid Techniques course at the University of Turin.
He actively participates in congresses and refresher courses. During his career, he presented a publication at the XXXV SIAF Congress in Siena on the activities carried out at Audiovestibology in Varese by the Cochlear Service Point.
On March 16, 2023, he was a speaker, together with colleague Doriano Peviani, at the course “From Diagnosis to Hearing Rehabilitation” held in Turin.
His goal is to continue to develop his expertise in the hearing aid field, offering an increasingly personalized approach for people with hearing loss and based on the latest technological innovations to improve their hearing experience and quality of life.
El Dr. Mikael Karlberg es profesor asociado del Departamento de Otorrinolaringología de la Universidad de Lund (Suecia) y cuenta con más de 35 años de experiencia. Está especializado en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los trastornos del equilibrio y el vértigo. El Dr. Karlberg es autor de más de 60 artículos en revistas científicas internacionales y coautor del libro «Det snurrar - Allt om yrsel och balanssjukdomar» (Bazar Förlag, 2023).
Es presidente de la Sociedad Bárány y ha sido secretario científico de la Sociedad Sueca de Otorrinolaringología. El Dr. Karlberg es ampliamente reconocido por sus contribuciones a la investigación y la práctica clínica en trastornos vestibulares.
Medico (Universidad Nacional de La Plata) Otorrinolaringólogo (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Profesor titular de Otorrinolaringología Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
Jefe de Servicio Hospital Británico (Buenos Aires)
Director Médico Vestibular Argentina
Medica otorrinolaringóloga, egresada de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Actualmente forma parte del equipo de otorrinolaringología del Hospital General de Agudos Parmenio Piñero de Buenos Aires.
También ejerce su actividad médico/académica en Vestibular Argentina, junto a sus colegas la Dra Binetti y La Licenciada Maria Laura Eseverri, lllevando a cabo diversos trabajos en el área de la otoneurología clínica y electrofisiológica en adultos y niños.
Professor Soumit Dasgupta is an award winning consultant neurotologist/audiovestibular physician and clinical lead in paediatric audiology at Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and the Hypatia Dizziness and Balance Centre in Liverpool, United Kingdom.
He is a honorary senior lecturer in the University of Liverpool UK, a honorary lecturer, Audiology and Deafness, in the University of Manchester UK and a honorary visiting professor, Otology and Skull Base Surgery, in the University of Siena, Italy.
He is a globally acknowledged expert in paediatric vestibular disorders leading one of the few tertiary paediatric vestibular centres in the world and a paediatric vestibular research laboratory.
He is well published in peer reviewed index journals and has written several text book chapters.
He is leading the UK in looking into genetic hearing loss and ototoxicity in the paediatric population with dedicated monitoring protocols and represents the UK in the International Ototoxicity Monitoring Group (IOMG), a global consortium of experts researching in ototoxicity.
He is the international secretary of the International Vestibular Society, the Chairman of Education in the British Association of Audiovestibular Physicians and an executive committee member of the British Society of Neurotology and Otology.
He is an expert reviewer for 9 index journals on Neurotology and Genetics, in the editorial board of four index journals and is an expert adviser to the General Medical Council, United Kingdom.
Dr. Vishal Pawar - Specialist Neurologist MBBS, DNB Medicine, DNB Neurology, SCE Neuro (RCP UK), VAM (American institute of Balance), International Vestibular diploma, Fellow of European board of Neurology.
Dr. Pawar is a licensed neurology specialist with several years of experience in the field. His area of expertise focuses on the treatment of patients suffering from headaches, vertigo, strokes, and back pain. He is speaker at national and international congresses, seminars, and webinars and author of publications in national and international scientific journals.
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