No sólo seminarios web, sino también sesiones en persona: éstas son oportunidades únicas para aprender en profundidad y establecer contactos.
No sólo seminarios web, sino también sesiones en persona: éstas son oportunidades únicas para aprender en profundidad y establecer contactos.
Dans cette conférence je parlerai de mon travail de recherche qui consiste depuis plusieurs années à utiliser le modèle animal de lésion de l’appareil vestibulaire dans l’objectif de mieux comprendre les mécanismes responsables à la fois de l’expression du syndrome vestibulaire mais également ceux impliqués dans la restauration de la fonction vestibulaire. En effet, une atteinte du système vestibulaire induit un « syndrome vestibulaire » composé de déficits moteurs tels qu’une instabilité posturale, un déséquilibre locomoteur, une incapacité à stabiliser son regard lors d’un mouvement de la tête mais également de déficits perceptifs, cognitifs et émotionnels tels qu’une altération du schéma corporel, une désorientation du corps dans son espace associée à une forte anxiété. Avec le temps, ces symptômes s’amenuisent avec une cinétique variable selon les espèces, ce processus est connu dans le champ des Neurosciences sous le nom de la « Compensation Vestibulaire ». L’avantage de ce modèle est qu’il nous permet de révéler avec précision les mécanismes biologiques endogènes sélectionnés par le cerveau pour restaurer la fonction vestibulaire altérée par la lésion. La connaissance de ces mécanismes est fondamentale car elle nous donne la possibilité de les moduler par des approches pharmacologiques et/ou réductionnelles dans l’objectif d’aider le cerveau à s’auto réparer et retrouver une fonctionnalité optimale dans les meilleurs délais.
Brahim Tighilet is a lecturer and researcher at Aix Marseille University, working at the Centre de Recherche en Psychologie et Neuroscience (CRPN UMR 7077 - AMU & CNRS). He is head of the ‘VESTIMED’ physiology and therapy of vestibular disorders team. His research focuses on the pathophysiology of vestibular disorders. The main aim of his work is to improve our understanding of the endogenous neuroplasticity mechanisms responsible both for the expression of vestibular pathology and for those involved in the recovery of balance function after vestibular damage. His most original recent discovery concerns the first evidence of post-injury vestibular neurogenesis (birth of new neurons in the vestibular nuclei) in an experimental model of vestibular pathology and its beneficial role in restoring static and dynamic balance functions. Over the last few years, he has developed an ongoing partnership with the pharmaceutical industry in the field of the neuropharmacology of vertigo. In particular, his work has enabled him to demonstrate for the first time the mechanisms and sites of action of betahistine (Tighilet et al., 2002) and the active principle of Tanganil (Tighilet et al., 2015). All his work has made him a recognised expert in the field of vestibular compensation and the pharmacology of vertigo. He has given many seminars and invited lectures, as well as numerous papers at international and national congresses. He has published over 70 articles in various scientific journals and book chapters. He co-founded a start-up company to promote his academic work. This led to the filing of patents with the CNRS for pharmacological compounds to combat vertigo.
Non perdere l’occasione di prendere parte al webinar sul video-HIT: il dispositivo in grado di quantificare in un continuum i deficit funzionali del sistema vestibolare.
È una metodica oggettiva che, attraverso lo studio dei movimenti oculari, consente di verificare le strategie di compenso, con un impatto significativo sulla riabilitazione.
Outpatient Specialist, Head of the Audiology and Vestibology Outpatient Clinic of the UOC ORL Hospital del Mare, ASL-NA 1, Naples and Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Naples 'Federico II'.
L’audiologia si rinnova continuamente, introducendo tecniche e strumenti che migliorano la gestione clinica e facilitano una presa in carico più efficace e tempestiva dei pazienti. Documentare con precisione il quadro clinico non solo accelera il monitoraggio e la risoluzione delle patologie, ma fornisce anche un supporto fondamentale per tutelare il professionista in situazioni di contestazione.
Questo corso ha l’obiettivo di offrire un metodo operativo strutturato e strumenti pratici per rendere più snella e veloce l’attività clinica quotidiana. Attraverso un equilibrio tra teoria e pratica, i partecipanti avranno l’opportunità di acquisire e applicare immediatamente le competenze apprese, migliorando la loro efficienza nella gestione degli esami audiologici.
È un'azienda italiana specializzata nella cura dell'udito e nella fornitura di soluzioni acustiche, con una rete di oltre 30 centri nel Triveneto. Fondata nel 1989 da Roberto Pontoni, l'azienda ha da sempre adottato un approccio focalizzato sulla comprensione delle esigenze specifiche dei pazienti con perdita uditiva. Con oltre 30 anni di esperienza nel settore, Pontoni oggi propone soluzioni personalizzate attraverso il protocollo "Clarivox®," un metodo di riabilitazione acustica che supporta il paziente in ogni fase, dall’adattamento iniziale alla gestione quotidiana degli apparecchi.
La partecipazione è gratuita, è previsto un massimo di 30 partecipanti.
Inventis si occuperà dei coffee break e del pranzo durante la sessione.
Non è prevista partecipazione online.
Dr. Marina Pinatti holds a degree in Audioprosthetic Techniques from the University of Padua.
Today, she is responsible at Pontoni - Udito & Tecnologia for paediatric applications. She also provides support to people with cochlear implants.
Marina Pinatti is a leading figure in Pontoni's hearing care industry, recognised for her experience and dedication. With a long career behind her, Marina is not only one of the company's most qualified hearing aid specialists, but also serves as a technical trainer, contributing to the professional development of colleagues and the dissemination of best practices in the field.
Her expertise stands out particularly in paediatric prosthetics, an area that requires precision, empathy and continuous training. Marina's passion and attention to detail make her a reference for the company and for patients, with a significant impact especially on the youngest.
Vanessa Zampese is a hearing aid specialist at Pontoni Centres, where she works with consolidated experience. In charge of the centres in the Veneto region, Vanessa is responsible for the coordination and support of the hearing aid specialists and trainees, ensuring high quality care for every patient.
In her role, Vanessa not only ensures excellence in patient care, but is also dedicated to the professional development of the team. Through continuous monitoring and expert guidance, Vanessa actively contributes to the training of new generations of hearing care professionals, supporting the growth of young professionals in the field.
Elevate your clinical decision-making with advanced ear examination techniques.
This session will equip you with essential strategies and tools to enhance your diagnostic accuracy and improve patient safety, making it an invaluable resource for your practice.
El Dr. Jay Jindal, prestigioso audiólogo con casi dos décadas de experiencia, es el fundador y director general de Audiology Planet, una organización de audiología líder en el Reino Unido. Audiology Planet ofrece una amplia gama de servicios de audiología para personas de todas las edades. Además de la atención clínica, Audiology Planet ofrece servicios de empresa a empresa, como distribución de productos clínicos para el cuidado del oído, educación y formación. Impulsado por su pasión por hacer avanzar el campo de la audiología, el Dr. Jindal contribuye activamente a iniciativas educativas y programas de desarrollo profesional. Su compromiso con la atención al paciente y su pasión por mejorar la salud auditiva le convierten en una figura destacada del sector.
Il seminario si concentrerà sull’importanza e la complessità di eseguire un adeguato fitting in età pediatrica e su quanto questo sia essenziale per consentire al bambino ipoacusico uno sviluppo senza alcuna difficoltà.
Durante il webinar verranno affrontate le diverse fasi dell’applicazione audioprotesica, dai primi mesi di vita all’adolescenza:
Dr. Borghi graduated in Hearing Aid Techniques in 2004 from the University of Parma.
Since 2005 he has worked for Amplifon in Reggio Emilia, where he manages two centres.
From 2008 to 2010 he obtained a Master's degree in Hearing Aid Rehabilitation of Children's Deafness jointly organised by the University of Padua and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
Since 2013 he has been a lecturer in the second and third year of the Degree Course in Hearing Assistive Technology at the University of Parma and since 2022 he has been a lecturer in the second year of the Degree Course in Audiometric Techniques at the University of Padua, Venice branch.
He was a member of the panel of experts that published the new cochlear implant guidelines in 2024 and of the group of hearing aid specialists that drafted the hearing aid guidelines in 2022.
He has been the scientific responsible for various courses including, since 2023, the creator together with Professor Scimemi of the ‘Scimemi-Borghi Practical Workshop in Hearing Prosthetic Techniques’ and the ‘paediatric hearing aid board’ published in 2023.
As the clinical lead in paediatric audiology at Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust (Liverpool, UK), Prof. Dasgupta brings unmatched expertise to this critical field. His lecture will provide a comprehensive overview of the aetiology of vestibular disorders in children, highlighting how understanding the underlying cause is essential for effective management of vestibular weakness.
Professor Soumit Dasgupta is an award winning consultant neurotologist/audiovestibular physician and clinical lead in paediatric audiology at Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and the Hypatia Dizziness and Balance Centre in Liverpool, United Kingdom.
He is a honorary senior lecturer in the University of Liverpool UK, a honorary lecturer, Audiology and Deafness, in the University of Manchester UK and a honorary visiting professor, Otology and Skull Base Surgery, in the University of Siena, Italy.
He is a globally acknowledged expert in paediatric vestibular disorders leading one of the few tertiary paediatric vestibular centres in the world and a paediatric vestibular research laboratory.
He is well published in peer reviewed index journals and has written several text book chapters.
He is leading the UK in looking into genetic hearing loss and ototoxicity in the paediatric population with dedicated monitoring protocols and represents the UK in the International Ototoxicity Monitoring Group (IOMG), a global consortium of experts researching in ototoxicity.
He is the international secretary of the International Vestibular Society, the Chairman of Education in the British Association of Audiovestibular Physicians and an executive committee member of the British Society of Neurotology and Otology.
He is an expert reviewer for 9 index journals on Neurotology and Genetics, in the editorial board of four index journals and is an expert adviser to the General Medical Council, United Kingdom.
Vestibular physiotherapist, Classroom and e-learning trainer, Member of the SFKV and the GDR vertiges.
Il Dr. Nicolás Pérez Fernández è specialista in Otorinolaringoiatria presso la Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Spagna. Con un'esperienza decennale, è un esperto di disturbi dell'equilibrio, in particolare di patologie vestibolari, e dei relativi approcci diagnostici. Il dottor Pérez Fernández ha pubblicato numerose pubblicazioni su riviste specializzate, concentrandosi sulla diagnostica vestibolare e sulle tecniche di riabilitazione. È un rinomato educatore e oratore, che contribuisce frequentemente a conferenze internazionali e seminari accademici. Noto per la sua ricerca innovativa, ha sviluppato e applicato metodologie avanzate nella pratica clinica, in particolare nella valutazione vestibolare utilizzando la vHIT e altri strumenti all'avanguardia. Il Dr. Pérez Fernández unisce l'esperienza clinica alla passione per la precisione diagnostica in otorinolaringoiatria.
Dr. Maione graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1985 (University of Naples) and specialised in Otolaryngology in 1988 (University of Naples).
From 1989 to 2023, he was medical director at the SOC of Otolaryngology of the ‘S. Maria degli Angeli’ hospital in Pordenone, with responsibility for Vestibology activities.
He is currently a freelancer.
He is the author of numerous scientific publications in national and international journals and presentations at congresses in the field of audio-vestibology.
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