No sólo seminarios web, sino también sesiones en persona: éstas son oportunidades únicas para aprender en profundidad y establecer contactos.
No sólo seminarios web, sino también sesiones en persona: éstas son oportunidades únicas para aprender en profundidad y establecer contactos.
Private ENT doctor in Tangier. Vestibular specialist. He was also President of the SMEV (Moroccan Society for Vestibular Exploration).
As of today, Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR) represents the most clinically used procedure to assess the functionality of the auditory system, from the periphery to the brainstem.
Explore the comprehensive world of ABR in our upcoming webinar, presented by Dr. Stavros Hatzopoulos.
This session also marks an exciting step toward the launch of Celesta, our brand-new diagnostic device for auditory evoked potentials and vestibular evoked myogenic potentials.
Elevate your clinical expertise with essential ABR insights!
Key Points of the Webinar:
Dr. Stavros Hatzopoulos has been a faculty member of the Audiology & ENT Clinic at the University of Ferrara, Italy, since 1994. His background is in Biomedical Engineering and Hearing Science (BS from the University of Southern California, MSc from Texas A&M University, and PhD from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts). He received his habilitation as an associate professor in 2014. He is the author of more than 245 book chapters, peer-reviewed papers, and conference presentations. He has participated in numerous European Concerted Action projects in the fields of Otoacoustic Emissions, Genetics, and Nanotechnologies. His main areas of interest are clinical Auditory Electrophysiology, Teleaudiology, and Long-Distance Learning. Currently, he serves as the editor of the Portal on Otoacoustic Emissions and as the Managing Editor of the Hearing, Balance & Communication journal.
Join Clayton Fisher, M.Cl.Sc., for a clinically-focused webinar on the practical applications of video otoscopy in hearing clinics. From exploring different video otoscope styles to functional tips and tricks, this session is packed with insights for every clinician.
Highlight of the Session
This webinar features Inventis Harmonica, a high-definition digital video otoscope that ensures accurate diagnoses and efficient interventions. With its chip-on-tip camera and powerful LED illumination, Harmonica delivers unparalleled clarity for comprehensive ear examinations.
Clayton Fisher is a clinical audiologist and audiology consultant and owner of Treat Hearing Health Care. His consulting work centers around clinical education regarding best-practices for hearing aid fittings. Specifically, he trains hearing healthcare practitioners on the practical use, benefits and integration of Real-Ear Measurement (REM) into regular clinical practice. To support this work, Clayton releases periodic clinical video tutorials on his YouTube channel.
Médico especialista en Audiología, Jefe de la División de Audiología y Otoneurología del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación, Profesor titular de la especialidad en Audiología, Otoneurología y Foniatría Facultad de Medicina UNAM.
Il corso è rivolto a medici e specializzandi in:
La vestibolopatia acuta e cronica, riveste un'importanza significativa nel panorama sanitario attuale, sia per l'elevato numero di pazienti che ne sono colpiti annualmente, sia per le conseguenze che essa comporta. Può essere provocata da patologie di natura variabile, che vanno da quelle più comuni a quelle di estrema gravità. Nella maggior parte dei casi, soprattutto in situazioni acute, una valutazione clinica non strumentale è sufficiente per una corretta gestione del paziente. Tuttavia, nei casi più complessi, è indispensabile ricorrere alla vestibologia “strumentale”. Questo approccio è particolarmente importante nelle vestibolopatie croniche e nella vestibologia medico-legale, dove la precisa quantificazione del danno è essenziale e richiede un’accurata valutazione strumentale.
Nella giornata di venerdi 13 Dicembre 2024 sarà presente come ospite la Prof. Anna Rita Fetoni, direttore Audiologia e ORL del secondo policlinico di Napoli, che terrà un intervento su “Gli esami strumentali in audiologia: quali e quando”.
L'obiettivo del corso è fornire le basi teoriche e pratiche necessarie per una gestione adeguata dei pazienti affetti da vestibolopatia acuta e cronica.
Outpatient Specialist, Head of the Audiology and Vestibology Outpatient Clinic of the UOC ORL Hospital del Mare, ASL-NA 1, Naples and Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Naples 'Federico II'.
Vestibular physiotherapist, Classroom and e-learning trainer, Member of the SFKV and the GDR vertiges.
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