NOV 2023 ● AuDacity 2023

AuDacity 2023

AuDacity 2023 - Go Beyond
Bonita Springs, Florida, November 2-5, 2023

From Thursday 2 to Sunday 5 November you can find us in Bonita Springs (FL) at the AuDacity 2023 'Go Beyond' conference. 

The Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA) is committed to promoting excellence in practitioners, upholding strong ethical values, ensuring professional independence, and advocating for robust business methods in delivering top-tier audiologic services. 

We are pleased to announce that at our stand, number 107, you can discover all our latest innovations, such as Nystalyze, our nystagmus visualisation and analysis system, or Harmonica, our brand new video otoscope. 
But that's not all! 

See you there!


Inventis s.r.l. a socio unico
Corso Stati Uniti, 1/3
35127 Padova

Tel.: +39.049.8962.844

North America

Inventis North America Inc.
379 CHENEY HWY #268
Titusville FL, 32780

Toll free: +1.844.683.6847


Synapsys sas
2 rue Marc Donadille
Hôtel Technoptic
13013 Marseille

tél.: +