Extended high-frequency audiometry in research and clinical practice

The sensitivity of young healthy ears extends to 20 kHz, and there is increasing evidence that testing in the Extended High-Frequency (EHF) region, above 8 kHz, might provide valuable additional information.
Basal (EHF) cochlear regions are especially sensitive to the effects of aging, disease, ototoxic drugs, and possibly noise exposure. Hence, EHF loss may be an early warning of damage, useful for diagnosis and for monitoring hearing health.
Furthermore, EHF loss impacts sound localization, and may also have direct effects on speech perception in noisy environments.
Inventis audiometers Cello and Piano Plus are the best solution to perform High-Frequency audiometry! They both allow to determine the hearing threshold in the range of frequencies between 8 kHz and 20 kHz, in air conduction using the supplied high frequency headphones, or in free field.
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