AUG 2023 ● FLAA Convention

Inventis Showcases Innovative Audiology and Balance Equipment at the 2023 FLAA Convention
Inventis will once again be exhibiting at the 2023 Florida Academy of Audiology (FLAA) Convention, to be held on 3 and 4 August 2023 at the Wyndham Grand Orlando Resort at Bonnet Creek.
As a renowned association representing Florida Audiologists and their clientele, FLAA focuses on advocacy, education, and fostering collaboration within the audiology community.
Inventis will be showcasing its cutting-edge devices at their booth during the convention. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore Cello, a state-of-the-art diagnostic audiometer. Additionally, they will experience the Maestro Control Panel, designed to enhance usability and navigation during audiometric exams using the Maestro software.
The display will also include the SYNAPSYS VNG, our video nystagmograph system, the only available system on the market with a wireless camera that grants an unparallel user experience in regard to patient mobility, freedom of movements and flexibility of use.
Moreover, you will have the opportunity to discover Timpani, a handheld tympanometer that, through the activation of a dedicated licence, allows you to conduct pure tone air conduction audiometry.
Don't miss the chance to get to know all our innovative devices and enjoy incredible promotions at our booth!