Not only webinars, but also in-person meetings: these are some unique opportunities for in-depth learning and networking.
Not only webinars, but also in-person meetings: these are some unique opportunities for in-depth learning and networking.
ENT medical director at the San Martino polyclinic in Genoa. Dr. Maurizio Bavazzano is ENT medical director at the ENT Clinic of the San Martino Hospital and affiliated University Clinics in Genoa. He has been a speaker at several national and international congresses and seminars. For many years, he has been collaborating with Inventis in the role of webinar speaker for the Academia project. Among the online seminars run by Dr. Bavazzano are "Epidemiology of vertigo" and "Phobic vertigo".
ENT surgeon, private practice ENT in Nice, attached practitioner at the CHU Pasteur in Nice ‘consultation vertiges complexes’, member of the Board of Directors and teacher of the DU in Reims and member of the Organising Committee and regular speaker at the Assises in Nice and member of the Organising Committee of the Advanced Course in Vertigo in Nice.
Le VPPB est la première cause de vertiges d’origine périphérique, bien connaître les symptômes distinctifs des différentes formes représente la clé d’un diagnostic précis.
La maitrise des manœuvres de provocation et de libération spécifiques a chaque forme constitue la garantie d’une prise en charge efficace de ce vertige bénin, certes, mais source d’une grande angoisse et parfois de chutes et de fractures puisqu’il intéresse essentiellement des personnes âgées.
Private ENT specialist, investigating hearing disorders and vertigo in Tunis, Tunisia.
Marco Boldreghini is Research Technologist at the Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Turin, specializing in clinical and rehabilitation vestibology. He has a degree in Audiometric Techniques and, upon completion of his Master's degree, holds a Master's degree in Vestibology and several international certifications, including the Certificate of Competency in Vestibular Rehabilitation (CCVR). He has more than 15 years of experience in clinical and educational settings, working with hospitals, medical centers and universities. He is the author of scientific publications and a speaker at national and international conferences. Currently, he combines research, teaching and consulting activities in the field of diagnostics and rehabilitation of balance disorders, integrating innovative techniques and multidisciplinary approaches.
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