
Fondamenti di VideoNistagmoScopia: il nistagmo da posizionamento

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Rudi Pecci

Medical Director

Dr. Pecci studied at the University of Florence, where he graduated in Medicine and Surgery, discussing a thesis on 'New therapeutic frontier in Meniere's disease: Endotympanic Infiltration with Gentamicin"; he specialised in Audiology and Phoniatrics, presenting a new variant of Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo, the "Apogeotropic Variant of Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo from Posterior Semicircular Canal Lithiasis"; and he obtained a PhD in "Conservative and Restorative Surgery of the Head and Neck". He works as Medical Director at the S.O.D. of Audiology Head and Neck Surgery Oncology and Robotics of the Careggi University Hospital in Florence, dealing with audiology, vestibology, oto-neuro-ophthalmology and oto-surgery. He teaches at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Florence at the School of Specialisation in Neurology and for the School of Human Health Sciences at the Speech Therapy Course. He conducts research in the field of oto-neuro-ophthalmology, participates as Speaker and Lecturer at Congresses, Courses, University Masters, Seminars, FAD and Webinars and is Author of textbooks and treatises, and Author and Reviewer of publications in scientific journals. He is a member of the Board of Arbitrators of the Italian Society of Vestibology and a member of the Bárány Society.

Dr Enrico Armato

Enrico Armato

Médecin ORL

Enrico Armato est médecin ORL à l'ULSS3 Veneto et il fréquente actuellement l'École doctorale BioSE à l'Université de Lorraine à Nancy. Fort de plus de 25 ans d'expérience en tant qu'otorhinolaryngologiste, son domaine de prédilection est la chirurgie du cou. Sa véritable passion est l'otoneurologie. Depuis de nombreuses années, il s'intéresse à l'évaluation fonctionnelle des patients souffrant de vertiges. Il est l'auteur du livre "Le video Head Impulse Test - Aspects théoriques et pratiques" et co-auteur de nombreux articles dans la littérature nationale et internationale. Enrico collabore avec Inventis depuis plusieurs années et est une figure de référence pour tout ce qui touche au domaine vestibulaire.


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