SET 2023 ● Academia

 Education. Sharing. Inventis. 

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The autumn season is about to begin, bringing with it the appointment for the dissemination and scientific exploration organized by Inventis' Academia project. This initiative is aimed at all those interested in hearing and vestibular disorders.

Building on the success achieved in the first part of the year, we are excited to present a schedule filled with unmissable online insights for the Fall/Winter 2023. This lineup will feature esteemed professionals from the audiology and vestibular field as its protagonists.

The calendar includes webinars in English, Spanish and French
Which webinars will you choose? Here's the training to mark on your calendar. Register now!

English21 Sept, 06:00 pm CEST
Dr. Sheila Thelen
Applying world class sports (vestibular) training tools to the general public. Applications for: autism, athletes, warfighters, aging, ADHD & more.
Register here
French26 Sept, 06:00 pm CEST
Dr. Marie Debaty
Les migraines vestibulaires
Register here
Spanish5 Oct, 06:00 pm CEST
Eng. Mario Pizzeghello
SYNAPSYS VHIT: conceptos básicos
Register here
French16 Oct, 06:00 pm CEST
Dr. Makhlouf Benzamit
Le VHIT en pratique
Register here
English24 Oct, 06:00 pm CEST
Dr. Vishal Pawar
Navigating Vertigo: Insights from Dubai
Register here
French8 Nov, 06:00 pm CET
Dr. Didier Bouccara
Intérêt de la pluridisciplinarité en audiologie: à propos de quelques situations cliniques
Register here
Spanish20 Nov, 04:00 pm CET
Dr. Lia Karatanasopuloz
Batería básica de estudios audiológicos en niños (0 a 6 años)
Register here
English29 Nov, 06:00 pm CET
C. Fisher, M. Cl.Sc
Case Studies in Real Ear Measurement (REM)
Register here
French7 Dec, 06:00 pm CET
Dr. Pierre Reynard
Un jeu sérieux pour améliorer l’acuité visuelle dynamique chez l’enfant vestibulo-lésé
Register here

We invite you to keep an eye on Inventis' social media pages to stay updated on what's planned. 

We thank all of you for the tremendous interest shown and for helping us create the best Academia ever!

Stay tuned!
Inventis Academia


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