SEP 2023 ● Success Stories

Training Success Stories from Around the World
In the ever-evolving field of audiology and balance, training programs play a crucial role. They serve to help people acquire essential knowledge and skills, as well as form the basis for the success of organizations in this specialized field. In this context, the expertise of our product specialists is of utmost importance.
In recent months we have visited many of our partners in various countries - India, China, Hungary, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Cyprus, Colombia – are just some examples. Our training programs dedicated to our devices both at the technical and service level and to their operation have been very successful in these regions.
Our Customer Care is always committed to staying up-to-date on the latest trends and innovations in the field of audiology and balance, trying to bring added value to our customers and distributors.
Expertise in the field of audiology and balance is not only a requirement but represents our ongoing commitment to providing excellent solutions in this highly specialized field.