AHIP Symposium

AHIP Symposium 2024
Ontario, Canada
May 8 - 10 2024
We are pleased to announce our participation in the 2024 Symposium of the Association of Hearing Instrument Practitioners of Ontario, to be held May 8 - 10 at the Fallsview Casino Resort.
Don't miss the chance to:
- Learn about the latest advances in the field.
- Get in touch with fellow professionals.
- Try Inventis technology for yourself and meet our experts.
Check out our latest news:
- Harmonica: our brand new digital video otoscope with exceptional resolution and ergonomic design that ensures a smooth examination.
Our full orchestra is waiting for you:
- Timpani: an extremely transportable tympanometer, which thanks to a dedicated license can also operate as a screening audiometer, offering fast, accurate and comprehensive examinations.
- Cello: a pc-based diagnostic audiometer, a versatile solution for paediatric hearing examinations.
- Harp Plus: a state-of-the-art diagnostic audiometer offering a large number of examinations and an internal flash memory, where speech material is stored.
- Trumpet: an advanced in Real Ear Measurement system incorporating a diagnostic audiometer.
We look forward to seeing you at our stand!