JAN 2023 ● IFOS 2023

Inventis IFOS Dubai

IFOS Dubai - ENT World Congress 2023 
Dubai, UAE
January 17 - 21, 2023

New year, new events!

We are pleased to announce that from 17 to 21 January we will be in Dubai: Inventis will in fact be an exhibiting company at IFOS Dubai - ENT World Cognress 2023. 

See you at the Dubai World Trade Centre!


Inventis s.r.l. a socio unico
Corso Stati Uniti, 1/3
35127 Padova

Tel.: +39.049.8962.844

North America

Inventis North America Inc.
379 CHENEY HWY #268
Titusville FL, 32780

Toll free: +1.844.683.6847


Synapsys sas
2 rue Marc Donadille
Hôtel Technoptic
13013 Marseille

tél.: +