International Events 2022

International Events 2022

Year 2022 was for us a year of satisfaction and achievements, of innovation and passion
We made sure that all of you could see this with your own eyes, and thus understand what characterises Inventis: starting in January, we had the incredible opportunity to travel the world, attending several events in different Countries! 

From Abu Dhabi to Paris, from St. Louis to Madrid and then Orlando, San Antonio, Hannover and Boca Raton... We are delighted to be back on the road again and to meet you in person!

Here are some of the events at which Inventis was present: 
    • EROC 2022 
    • 42e Congrès des audioprothésistes 
    • AAA 2022 + HearTECH Expo 
    • XXXI Bárány Society Meeting 
    • 2022 FLAA Convention 
    • IHS 71st Annual Convention & Expo 
    • 66th International EUHA Congress 

A 2023 full of incredible surprises awaits us, are you ready to discover them with us in the upcoming events?


Inventis s.r.l. a socio unico
Corso Stati Uniti, 1/3
35127 Padova

Tel.: +39.049.8962.844

North America

Inventis North America Inc.
379 CHENEY HWY #268
Titusville FL, 32780

Toll free: +1.844.683.6847


Synapsys sas
2 rue Marc Donadille
Hôtel Technoptic
13013 Marseille

tél.: +