FEB 2024 • ABS Annual Meeting

Revolutionize Balance Care at the ABS Meeting!
Join Inventis at the American Balance Society's Annual Meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona, on February 29-March 1.
The ABS unites professionals dedicated to advancing balance science, assessment, and treatment. They empower specialists to effectively manage dizziness and balance disorders through evidence-based care and continuous learning.
Explore Tomorrow's Balance Solutions Today!
Discover how:
- Nystalyze, our powerful VNG modular system, grants an unparallel user experience thanks to three different modules and a wireless camera, providing an unparalleled tool for treating patients with vertigo and dizziness.
- SYNAPSYS VHIT, our revolutionary goggle-free Video Head Impulse Test, provides faster and more accurate vestibular assessments.
(device currently under FDA approval)
Plus, during the event you will have the opportunity to attend a 20-minute presentation to delve deeper into these innovative balance solutions and their impact on patient care, bringing you into the future of vestibular evaluation.
Do not miss this opportunity to revolutionize your practice!