BILATERAL method for REM

Performing Real Ear measurements on both ears simoultaneously is now possible with Trumpet!

The newest Inventis bilateral method could really help in reducing the testing time and increase the patient satisfaction during the fitting experience.

Contact us to get the latest Maestro software version, the upgrade is FREE!


Inventis s.r.l. a socio unico
Corso Stati Uniti, 1/3
35127 Padova

Tel.: +39.049.8962.844

North America

Inventis North America Inc.
379 CHENEY HWY #268
Titusville FL, 32780

Toll free: +1.844.683.6847


Synapsys sas
2 rue Marc Donadille
Hôtel Technoptic
13013 Marseille

tél.: +